

科學家找來了15名志願者,這些人都是普通人,並不是賭徒。科學家拿一套特別設計過的角子老虎機讓他們玩,一邊監視他們腦部的狀況,結果科學家發現,當他們「贏」了,腦部的專門負責回饋的部位striatum與insula cortex會開始運動,這個區塊可以為人類帶來很愉悅的效果,吸毒的時候也是這個區塊在運動。賭博嘛,贏了以後如同吸毒,應該是正常的。不過,科學家同時也監測到,當他們「差點贏」的時候,儘管輸了,腦部的同一部位(striatum與insula cortex)也同樣的在運動。




科學家說,由於腦中已將「差點贏」弄成好像是「贏」了,久而久之,在一些好賭客的心中,就會以為「差點贏 = 準備要贏」,也會在好賭客中流傳一些「諺語」譬如「今天差點贏,明天就要贏了」之類的。科學家解釋,愛賭的人已經將「差點贏」視為一個「特殊狀況」(special event),是「贏」之前的前兆。




在寫《別學北極熊》期間,我曾和一位矽谷成功創業家有一段對話,後來因對方決定低調完全沒有寫出來,他曾對我解釋過創業的一個奇特現象,就他們現在看到,「連續創業家」(serial entrepreneur)的成功機率非常高,可能比當初第一次創業成功還要高了幾倍,Why ?












(摘自 Mr.6)

NO lady luck: Gambling near-misses can be addictive

Researchers from the United Kingdom found that gamblers who have near-misses while playing slot machines are stimulating parts of their brains that involve addictions in humans and increase their desire to continue gambling.

The article “Gambling Near-Misses Enhance Motivation to Gamble and Recruit Win-Related Brain Circuitry” was published in the February 12, 2009 issue of the journal Neuron.Its authors are Luke Clark, Andrew J. Lawrence, Frances Astley-Jones, and Nicola Gray, all from the Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, Department of Experimental Psychology, at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

They state in the abstract to their paper that “’Near-miss’ events, where unsuccessful outcomes are proximal to the jackpot, increase gambling propensity and may be associated with the addictiveness of gambling.”In other words, when a person almost wins at a gambling game, circuits in the brain are activated that strengthens the motivation to gamble more.Such actions within the brain may be the genetic link to gambling addictions.Such neurocognitive mechanisms in the brain, however, are little studied in the medical profession as to just how strong they are in motivating gamblers to gamble more—and, maybe, eventually to becoming addicted to gambling.

Consequently, the U.K. researchers decided to study these behavioral and neural responses to these “near-misses” in gambling.

A slot machine (also called a fruit machine, poker machine, or one-armed bandit) is a casino gambling machine with three or more reels reels that spin when a button is pushed (or a level is pulled on the side of the machine).The results are shown in brightly colored images of fruit (such as cherries), numerals, letters, diamonds, hearts, bells, cartoon characters, actors or celebrities, or other such easily recognizable symbols.An example of a “near-miss” would be two cherries in a slot machine, where a “full-miss” would be only one cherry. Three cherries (or three of the same symbol) would result in a money payout to the user from the slot machine (the casino, such as the ones in Las Vegas, Nevada).

Dr. Luke Clark, one of the authors of the study, stated, “We devised a series of experiments to elicit near-miss and control phenomena in the laboratory and used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore the brain mechanisms underlying these cognitive distortions.” [News-Medical.Net: Sunday, February 15, 2009): "New insight into why gambling is so attractive to some"]They stated in the abstract to the paper, “Compared to full-misses, near-misses were experienced as less pleasant, but increased desire to play.”

As stated earlier they used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which measures blood flow in the brain or spinal cord of humans, to study the ventral striatum and medial frontal cortex regions of the brain.

The researchers also used a questionnaire to ask gambling-related questions to the participatants.Both regions of the brain, which were analyzed in this study, help in the processing of rewards (along with intense stimuli associated with aversions and the abusee of illicit drugs), planning of cognitive behaviors and personality expressions, and the correcting of anti-social behaviors.

As such, the researchers wanted to see if there is increased activity in these areas of the brain when people are gambling, especially when “near-misses” occur while gambling.They found that there was, indeed, significant activity in these areas of the brain when “near-misses” occurred while gambling.The researchers found that the participants found “near-misses” more “unpleasant” than “full-misses.”However, the participants had more desire to continue to play the gambling game when they had “near-misses.”

Clark stated, “Gamblers often interpret near-misses as special events, which encourage them to continue to gamble. Our findings show that the brain responds to near-misses as if a win has been delivered, even though the result is technically a loss." [News-Medical.Net]

Dr. Clark added, "By linking psychological and neurobiological accounts of gambling, these data inform our understanding of gambling behavior within society, and by extrapolation, the capacity of gambling to become addictive and pathological." [News-Medical.Net]

The U.K. researchers concluded in their paper, “These data indicate that near-misses invigorate gambling through the anomalous recruitment of reward circuitry, despite the objective lack of monetary reinforcement on these trials.”

That is, even though a “near-miss” does not reward the gambler with money, they are strengthened in their desire to continue gambling. It is similar to a feeling that they didn’t quite win but a true monetary win is almost within their reach--if they will only try one more time! Or, a second time, or a third....To learn more about gambling addictions, go to Gamblers Anonymous and’s website “Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling.”The Gamblers Anonymous website asks the question: How can you tell whether you are a compulsive gambler?

It answers, "Only you can make that decision. Most people turn to Gamblers Anonymous when they become willing to admit that gambling has them licked. Also in Gamblers Anonymous, a compulsive gambler is described as a person whose gambling has caused growing and continuing problems in any department of his or her life."
"Many Gamblers Anonymous members went through terrifying experiences before they were ready to accept help. Others were faced with a slow, subtle deterioration which finally brought them to the point of admitting defeat."


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